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Earning Money on Tik Tok: these are your options in 2020

The video-sharing app TikTok has made huge strides in popularity since its release for Android and iOS in 2017. In Tik Tok's own words: "Tok is the world's leading mobile short-form video app." The idea behind TikTok is that people can quickly and easily create short videos with their smartphones so that everyone can be a media designer. As of January 2020, there are more than 500 million active monthly users of the app, which makes it a leading provider in the world of social media apps.

As with pretty much every internet-based trend that emerges, the question at TikTok quickly arose: Can you make money with this thing? The answer is that yes, you certainly can. Although TikTok is not specifically geared towards monetization and providing sources of income for users, the app is very commercial and it is possible to make a good living through the creative use of the platform. 

 Please note that there is no “magic formula”; there is no secret technique that allows you to post a TikTok video every day and retreat to your Tuscan villa in a month to cruise around the Mediterranean on speed boats. If it were, I would use it and tell you nothing about it. Rather, I'm going to talk about the basics and give you some suggestions on how to think about monetizing the platform so you can decide how to proceed. Making money with TikTok is like making money elsewhere - it takes workcreativity, some luck and - most importantly - added value. If you don't create value, you don't make money.

Become an influencer

Being an "influencer" online is actually a legitimate approach to monetizing your online presence, although the term "influencer" has gotten a lot of bad connotations in recent months. Mainly because sometimes the impression arises that every reasonably attractive young man or woman decides to become an "influencer", buys 50,000 fake followers on Instagram and then tries to deceive the makers of actual goods and services in order to Hand out exchange for reviews and exposure. 

True influencers are people who have actual organic followers of actual human people who actually appreciate and respect the "influencer" when speaking about their area of ​​expertise. There are many real influencers in the world, on large and small scales. The friend you trust, whose musical taste you implicitly trust - this person is an influencer, regardless of whether they have three other “fans” like you or three million. Overall, Martha Stewart was once a very powerful influencer and she still has a lot of influence. Oprah Winfrey was probably the most far-reaching influencer; mere mention of a book on their show was enough to make it a bestseller no. 1 and to make the author an independent media figure. Today the trend seems to be towards smaller influencers, but still people with a long reach.

Did you notice something that all the influencers I mentioned have in common? They all create added value with their opinions. You don't listen to your musical friend because she has a cool website or because your other friends told you she was great, you listen to her because you found out she really has good taste, and if she does recommend an album or an artist, you know it will be good. She saves you time and money every time she opens her mouth, so you pay attention to her.

They add value to the world by having an opinion that has proven to be a consistently reliable arbiter whether something is worth your time and money or not. Martha Stewart produces amazing recipes and fantastic craft projects that people can strive for. Oprah Winfrey almost always recommended books and authors that were really, really good.

So while “influencers” are real, and it is quite possible that you could be one, you need to be aware of the fact that if you don't add value by submitting your contributions, you won't be successful in the long run. You actually have to have something worth saying.

If you have something worth saying and if you have real people who pay attention to your opinions, TikTok offers you a very simple method of monetizing your video appearances in the app. All you have to do is recommend products and services that you really use and consider good; these brands, shops, artists, or whoever will be happy to compensate you for your advocacy for your product or service. You have to have a really big and committed following. But with a real influencer presence, you can easily make thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in one fell swoop to boost someone else's product.

Note that many opinion leaders have gotten into trouble by accepting branding deals and not passing the deal on to their followers. While it may reduce the value of your opinion somewhat for many people, I think that in the long run you have to reveal that you accept this type of business, because the consequences of a business that is revealed that you do not disclose are a huge scandal who will terribly damage your reputation and undermine what makes you an influencer at all.

Live Streaming

The live streaming on TikTok, which is mainly based on musical performances (whether lip synchronization or live), used to be done via the URL but has since been transferred to The actual mechanisms vary over time, but the basic system is simple: TikTok users can buy “coins” with real money through in-app purchases. You can then use their coins (and other derived in-app currencies) to tip the TikTok authors, which essentially gives them a small amount of real money as a thank you for creating good live content. TikTok shares 80% of the value of this donation with the person who does the Livestream.

It is generally not a fortune, but it can be a stream of income, although you have to accept the money in the form of digital gifts and not in the form of cash; however, it's not too difficult to turn that into cold hard money.

Promotion and Marketing of own products

This is probably the most realistic way for most people to make money with TikTok without having a large fan base and becoming a national influencer. The secret is that you have a different industry or business and use TikTok as an absolutely free way to promote and sell your products or services or to promote your existing business. The great thing is that this can be almost any (legal) business or service, whether it's nerdy, smart, tech, or just crazy.

For example, you can have a canoeing service. Well, you can make videos of every river cruise you do and 15-second clips that show just how much fun people have. Post this on TikTok, along with some promotional images that show where you are, how to get in touch with you, what you're asking for, and when your next trip is, and you can find your bookings to fill up on their own. TikTok doesn't pay you directly for something, but your company now earns thousands of dollars with the referrals and new customers you attract with your videos. (And of course, you can also publish the videos on your Facebook page, your YouTube channel, etc.).

Another example is someone who has a craft company - say, you make cool glass sculptures out of molten glass. You can make super-fast How-I-Do-It videos that show off your techniques (and how good you are at highlighting your best and most beautiful work) and mention casually that you also sell these sculptures through your website, to which you then go create a link. The instructional videos not only attract people who like your work, but you can also sell products directly from your videos, and instead of paying for the bandwidth, TikTok does it for you.


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