HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE AN INFLUENCER, A BRAND AND A USER? If you still do not know how to differentiate an influencer, a brand and a user , then you are one of those who should read this article. In the first place, we will begin by identifying each one and putting each the thing in its place, in its proper context: USER One who uses a social network to communicate with his environment. In general, in marketing for social networks, the user plays an important role by giving contributions, recommendations, or opinions about the products or services that are marketed on the network. INFLUENCER The influencer, meanwhile, is that the user with the ability to form an opinion, motivate action, or influence the environment . Almost always, stars or famous personalities are constituted as influencers in the networks . However, there are also unknown users who are recognized for their originality. BRAND The brand (brand ...
Browse the best social media marketing articles on the latest strategies, trends, various tools, and ideas for marketers. Read our thought leadership articles on best Social Media Marketing. Social media marketing a marketing channel and activity (or set of activities) that marketers use to connect with fans, customers, prospects, and partners.